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Rice Bran Oil Processing Plant, Huatai Oil Production Line Has Reliable Quality

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Rice Bran Oil Processing Plant, Huatai Oil Production Line Has Reliable Quality

Fresh rice bran is very easy to become rancid after rice milling, which affects the further processing and quality of rice bran. Therefore, the rice bran oil processing requires stabilization of rice bran first. Extrusion-extraction is a rice bran stabilization process that is widely used in industrial production.

Solvent extraction is currently a commonly used process for rice bran oil processing plant. The use of organic solvents to extract oil has the characteristics of large-scale production and significantly improved oil yield. Different from the characteristics of low oil yield and high residual oil in the production of rice bran oil by pressing, the rice bran oil extraction process uses organic solvents to dissolve and extract oil, and then uses the different boiling points of oil and solvent to separate and recover solvents through evaporation, stripping, condensation and other treatments to obtain extracted crude rice bran oil, fully extract the oil in rice bran, and further improve the oil yield.

The rice bran oil after extraction needs to be refined, and refining is an important part in the production process of rice bran oil. Crude rice bran oil contains impurities such as free fatty acids, wax, colloid-soluble impurities, and residual extraction solvents that affect the quality of oils. The rice bran oil refining process can remove impurities, improve the quality of oils, ensure edible health, and prolong storage time. The main rice bran oil refining process includes degumming, deacidification, decolorization, deodorization, dewaxing and other processes. The refined finished oil needs to be tested. The test indicators include color, odor and taste, transparency, moisture and volatile matter, insoluble impurities, acid value, peroxide value, heating test, soap content, smoke point, freezing test and solvent residue. These indicators reflect the purity of the oil from all aspects. Rice bran oil that passes the test can be bottled and sold as finished oil.

Rice bran oil mills need to purchase a complete set of rice bran oil processing machine to produce rice bran oil. The quality and processing technology of the equipment are directly related to the oil yield and the quality of the finished rice bran oil. When purchasing equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the equipment, the strength of the manufacturer and after-sales service, and fully investigate and compare to choose reliable manufacturers to cooperate. Here it is recommended to visit Henan Huatai Cereals and Oils Machinery Co., Ltd. for inspection and trial operation.

Henan Huatai Oil Machinery has been producing oil equipment for many years, mainly engaged in cooking oil press machine, vegetable oil refinery, edible oil extraction plant and complete edible oil production lines, providing customers with a full set of rice bran oil processing plant and processes, including installation and commissioning, and training. The manufacturer has rich experience in rice bran oil processing plant, many rice bran oil plant cases, and a good reputation among customers. You can go to the site for on-site inspections to understand the equipment operation status and the quality of finished oil. You are also welcome to visit the factory for on-site inspections:




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